I recently attended a parent seminar organized by APM Group Thailand and discovered a highly interesting approach to the topic “leadership”. Typically, business executives in the Western world will be exposed to leadership training for the first time in their life when they are already almost 30 years old. After graduating from university, they still [...]
Changing Your Job For The Right Reason
October 25, 2012, by Heinz Landau
A global workforce survey by Kelly Services, Inc. among 168,000 people in 30 countries revealed that 70% of the respondents think that experiences with multiple employers are an asset for their career development. The survey which was published last month states the new global trend according to which 53% of the respondents believe that changing [...]
Read more...Motivating People Professionally
October 11, 2012, by Stephan Polomski
Recently, in a coaching session, a junior manager asked me, how he could motivate people? Everything he read about models and methods was so overcharged with details that in the end he was more confused than clear, what to do.
I told him, that – in my experience – motivation of other people (and for myself) [...]
Shared Leadership – A model for Successful Mastering of Future and Global Challenges
September 27, 2012, by Michael Nothdurft
I enjoyed the last 500 days!
I have been member of the Leadership Vision Team of an organization that is offering to people, companies and organizations trainings and consulting how to navigate successfully and in a sustainable way in a world of increasing change requirements.
As a Co-Owner of the Genuine ContactTM program, [...]
Knowing Your Employees
September 14, 2012, by Heinz Landau
Managers often don’t know enough about their employees. And this can have serious consequences as a representative study conducted in Germany by the IT services provider Oracle and the market research institute Innofact revealed. 43 % of the 1,000 people between 18 and 65 years that were interviewed in July 2012 want to change their [...]
Read more...Leading Means Teaching Respect- and Regardfully
August 30, 2012, by Stephan Polomski
During my time in China and Thailand I learned that people there bow respectfully to somebody else, however, they do not yield. – Leaders accompany other people during the process of working. In this process leaders support other people to find their own resources and their own power. Leaders foster self-feedback and self-responsibility by doing [...]
Read more...Should It Be Lonely At The Top?
August 16, 2012, by Heinz Landau
You probably have heard many times the phrase “It’s lonely at the top.” John Maxwell, the American leadership guru, states that “If you feel lonely at the top, you are not doing something right. Loneliness comes from personality, not from position.”
My own leadership experience confirms Maxwell’s statement. If you find yourself a lonely isolated leader, [...]
Servant Leadership – Forever Just a Claim?
August 2, 2012, by Stephan Polomski
The often quoted phrase of Robert K. Greenleaf´s essay “The Servant as Leader” directly leads into the dilemma we perceive when leadership is put into focus:
“It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one [...]
A Key Insight That I Got From Stephen Covey
July 20, 2012, by Heinz Landau
Dr. Stephen Covey, internationally renowned author, leadership guru, and motivational speaker passed away on July 16, 2012 from complications following a bicycle accident in April. He was 79.
Through his books and his teachings he has impacted the lives of millions of people around the world. His best-known book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective [...]
Tips On Cross-Cultural Leadership
July 6, 2012, by Heinz Landau
If you work for a multinational company in a foreign country, your cross-cultural leadership skills are critical to achieving success. This is not only true for the impact on business outcome and organizational performance, but also very much for the progress of your own career.
While working abroad in countries as diverse as the United Arab [...]
Dead Fish Always Swim with The Stream
June 21, 2012, by Stephan Polomski
It is by branding that customers are invited to dream away, as long as they are willing to pay. And no product evokes more dreams than a car like Porsche, BMW, Audi or Mercedes Benz granting the endowment of power, prestige, and status. Or: ecology, family and individuality. Just choose the product, the brand delivers [...]
Read more...What Were Your Career-Defining Moments?
June 7, 2012, by Heinz Landau
Have you ever spent time to think about what your career-defining moments were? We all have experienced in our life moments, decisions and events that had a major impact on our career. These moments define who we are, what we value and what we stand for. They determine how we and also others see ourselves. [...]