Posts tagged with Resonance:

Employer Branding Authenticity
April 25, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Marketing

Preparing the next top employer certification of our company I was asked in my role as chief of human resources by the interviewer what made us special as employer? That we are ourselves, I replied.
First of all, after four years of development our leadership team has been trained to target employees as whole human beings [...]

Why Values Lead Leaders
March 28, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

Personal values are the reasons, why we do something or why we do not. They are the critical and unconsciously driving power within us motivating our actions and behavior. Values are our ethical framework in which we are living and moving. They are the basis for personal identity and identification. These days, shaped by the [...]

Leadership Challenge Young Talent
March 6, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

Do you know this impression: Wow, this young guy or girl is full of power, ambition, brightness, and confidence? Did you ask yourself the question: How can I lead and develop this agglomeration of energy and intelligence? And further: What do I do as a leader in order to integrate this – may be rules [...]

Experiencing Change Positively
November 21, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

For my work and approach how to deal with change as a manager and head of human resources I found a philosophy of five genuine principles. These principles are my personal working charter. They reflect how to make change a positive experience for employees and all other stakeholders, apart from demands for a tool kit [...]

Awareness – A Flashlight on Process Work and Leadership
May 17, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership

About two years ago, a friend of mine, who is leadership coach and as well process worker, got me acquainted with the notion of process and world work as Arnold Mindell and his associates have developed it during the last 30 years. I was so fascinated by this approach to organizational change and conflict management [...]

Crushing Caring Leadership
April 12, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Leadership

Recently, I experienced in two different settings outside my company a crisis of caring leadership. In one case, I myself was in the lead, in the other I was observing the issue not being directly involved. In both cases, the representatives of caring leadership were failing to hold up to their standard and image, promoting [...]

Make It Work: Employer Branding IV – Retain Them!
March 8, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Marketing

What are you doing to retain those who are the best fitting people in your various business contexts? Those who are most promising with their potentials aligning to your strategy? After having identified them, how do you deal with various target groups, age groups, potential segments, and career paths? How do you do that in [...]

Make It Work: Employer Branding III – Be Perceived as Top Employer!
February 22, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management, Marketing

Let´s presume you have executed surveys. You now know what you are currently offering and what you should offer as top employer in the perception of your existing workforce. Let´s presume you have an action plan in your hand whose execution will close up the gap that still might keep you away from internally being [...]

Social Entrepreneurship – Changing Paradigms
January 8, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

Why am I doing it almost every day, five days a week or even more?
What is motivating me to do what I do almost every day of my life?
What is the vision for myself when I am doing it almost every day, and on the basis of which values, for which purpose?
What do I expect [...]

How to Care after Downsizing I
November 24, 2009, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

The signals we are receiving concerning global recession and crisis are ambiguous. Of course, hope is gaining ground after some devastating months. But still, a clear future trend is not to be seen as forecasts are often contradicting themselves.
Working in the automotive industry, supplying Daimler, Porsche, BMW and their big suppliers, especially medium-sized companies have [...]

A View from Saint Tropez
November 12, 2009, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership

Last month the annual sailing (not sales!) meeting took place in the bay of Staint Tropez on the French coast. In company of good friends I spent some time there just enjoying the beauty of impressions our five senses got there. Residing on a hill I took a relaxed glance of harbor and bay, bluish [...]

“Reaching the Top…
September 23, 2009, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Features, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

… is not the objective” – that was what Hanspeter Eisendle, our mountain guide, said, just when we reached Cassian´s Peak at 2581 meters height in the Sarentin Alps in South Tyrol last week.
After some hours marching through walls of fog and the sentiment of deception that the Dolomites and their spectacular summits on the [...]