Employer Branding Authenticity
April 25, 2011, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Marketing Preparing the next top employer certification of our company I was asked in my role as chief of human resources by the interviewer what made us special as employer? That we are ourselves, I replied.
First of all, after four years of development our leadership team has been trained to target employees as whole human beings [...]
Why Values Lead Leaders
March 28, 2011, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Management Personal values are the reasons, why we do something or why we do not. They are the critical and unconsciously driving power within us motivating our actions and behavior. Values are our ethical framework in which we are living and moving. They are the basis for personal identity and identification. These days, shaped by the [...]
The Importance of Self-Reflection
September 15, 2010, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Management My key finding: we as society execute excellent research based leadership studies, know about excellent theoretical leadership models and communication methods and consider best practice examples of leadership we observe or hear about. Out of history and current research, basically, our societies know everything valuable about this very topic. Our whole knowledge of how to [...]
Developing Your Leadership Point of View
May 27, 2010, by
Heinz Landau in
Leadership I just finished reading the book “Helping People Win At Work: A Business Philosophy Called “Don’t Mark My Paper, Help me Get an A” by Ken Blanchard and Garry Ridge. One tool described in the book caught my eye and made me do some search on it.
According to research by Noel Tichy, the American leadership [...]
What’s Your Sentence?
April 19, 2010, by
Heinz Landau in
Leadership Daniel Pink, one of my favourite authors, has recently released a new book titled “Drive – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” in which he makes a strong, science-based case for rethinking motivation. In “Drive”, he reveals the three elements of true motivation:
Autonomy – the desire to direct our own lives
Mastery – the urge [...]
Why Marketing and Culture Need to Amalgamate
March 22, 2010, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Marketing Ten years ago, student a second time, I started a new professional career as management consultant. My first job was a project called “Employer Branding” at Merck Thailand in Bangkok.
Twelve years ago, McKinsey just started to talk about the “War for Talent”. I remember the article by Elisabeth Chambers, which Heinz Landau, MD of Merck [...]