Jan 22

Raks Thai Foundation and Merck Thailand: Evolving CSR – Partnerships

Many of you may not have heard about “Raks Thai Foundation” and are much more familiar with CARE International in Thailand. The two names actually refer to the same organization. CARE International Thailand (or CARE Thailand) began operating in Thailand since 1979, initially responding to the influx of Cambodian refugees along the Thai-Cambodian border and [...]

Sep 23

“Reaching the Top…

… is not the objective” – that was what Hanspeter Eisendle, our mountain guide, said, just when we reached Cassian´s Peak at 2581 meters height in the Sarentin Alps in South Tyrol last week.
After some hours marching through walls of fog and the sentiment of deception that the Dolomites and their spectacular summits on the [...]