My Precious: Integrity
January 17, 2012, by
Stephan Polomski in
Leadership “The word ‘integrity’ stems from the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete)”, it reads in the English version of Wikipedia. “In this context, integrity is the inner sense of ‘wholeness’ deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character“, as well as truthfulness and accountability. “As such, one may judge that others ‘have integrity’ to [...]
Why Values Lead Leaders
March 28, 2011, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Management Personal values are the reasons, why we do something or why we do not. They are the critical and unconsciously driving power within us motivating our actions and behavior. Values are our ethical framework in which we are living and moving. They are the basis for personal identity and identification. These days, shaped by the [...]
The Challenges Of Succession Planning
November 11, 2010, by
Heinz Landau in
Human Resources,
Management Last month, I was one among four speakers at Dataconsult’s Thailand Regional Forum. The statements of all speakers pointed unanimously in the same direction: succession planning is a strategic issue that is absolutely critical for the continuous business success of a company. Nevertheless, research indicates that about half of companies do not have a succession [...]
Soft Values Drive Hard Results
October 14, 2010, by
Heinz Landau in
Human Resources,
Management Leaders who possess strong soft skills perform better at driving hard results while executives with weak interpersonal skills were rated poorly on their ability to deliver good financial results, especially over time, and received predictably poor ratings as people managers. These are key findings from a study by U.S. organizational consulting firm Green Peak Partners [...]
The Importance of Self-Reflection
September 15, 2010, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Management My key finding: we as society execute excellent research based leadership studies, know about excellent theoretical leadership models and communication methods and consider best practice examples of leadership we observe or hear about. Out of history and current research, basically, our societies know everything valuable about this very topic. Our whole knowledge of how to [...]
Leading With Honesty And Integrity
August 28, 2010, by
Heinz Landau in
Leadership The ousting of Hewlett – Packard (= HP) Chairman and CEO Mark Hurd earlier on this month has been widely discussed in the business sections of newspapers and magazines all over the world. For those unfamiliar with the story, let me quickly recap the main points.
There was a claim of sexual harassment against Hurd by [...]
Why Marketing and Culture Need to Amalgamate
March 22, 2010, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Marketing Ten years ago, student a second time, I started a new professional career as management consultant. My first job was a project called “Employer Branding” at Merck Thailand in Bangkok.
Twelve years ago, McKinsey just started to talk about the “War for Talent”. I remember the article by Elisabeth Chambers, which Heinz Landau, MD of Merck [...]
Showing Gratitude
September 17, 2009, by
Heinz Landau in
Leadership Last week, I participated in a “Corporate Strategy Retreat –Workshop” of the B. Grimm Group of Companies. About 25 senior managers from various companies of the business group were present. Harald Link, the CEO, opened the meeting with an introduction of each and every participant to the audience. He described briefly everyone’s major contribution to [...]