Posts tagged with Corporate Social Responsibility:

Goodbye, Facebook
November 22, 2012, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Marketing

Do you like lobster? Cooking one appears quite cruel: you put the lobster alive into boiling water, the head first. A friend of mine is a professional cook; he uses a nail and a hammer killing the lobster before cooking it. These are the animal friendly ways of handling the issue. However, there are people, [...]

Leadership and Islam – Lessons I Learned in Morocco
June 7, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

In April and May I attended a seminar of process oriented psychology on personal vision quest in Marrakech when a bomb exploded in a restaurant on the main square Djemaa El Fna killing 20 people. I was only 200 meters away and heard the blast without truly admitting to myself what happened until I saw [...]

Green-Washing a Company´s Image and a Consumer´s Conscience
January 23, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Leadership, Marketing

In need for a responsible appearance and easement when it comes to licensing bans and rules many companies invest into public relation campaigns in order to pimp up their image. That´s what PR experts nowadays call “green-washing”. Not a white but a green – the bio – vest often hides a harmful core business. A [...]

Gaining Power, Wealth, and Prestige
December 20, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Editorial, Human Resources, Leadership, Management, Marketing

Last week when I attended an HR conference in Frankfurt we had dinner in one of the in-places of town. Coincidentally one of Frankfurt´s private banking houses was celebrating Christmas there as well. Listening to speeches and talks, one assumes that power, wealth, and prestige are the most influential motivation drivers managers follow during their [...]

Sustainability Is Top Of Mind Of Business Leaders
September 25, 2010, by Heinz Landau in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

A huge majority of CEOs worldwide (93%) say that sustainability will be critical to their company’s future success. Despite the recent economic downturn, leaders are more comitted to sustainability than ever before. These are the headline findings of a study among nearly 1,000 CEOs, business leaders, members of civil society and academic experts making it [...]

The Dark Side of Care II
June 7, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership

For me, care is a difficult notion. Karl Popper said: “The attempt to make heaven on earth invariably produces hell.”
Where does care begin, and where should it stop? When do we talk about care, and when are we dealing with business? Is it possible to care, when we are aiming at profit maximization? And are [...]

Raks Thai Foundation and Merck Thailand: Evolving CSR – Partnerships
January 22, 2010, by Promboon Panitchpakdi in Corporate Social Responsibility, Features, Leadership, Management

Many of you may not have heard about “Raks Thai Foundation” and are much more familiar with CARE International in Thailand. The two names actually refer to the same organization. CARE International Thailand (or CARE Thailand) began operating in Thailand since 1979, initially responding to the influx of Cambodian refugees along the Thai-Cambodian border and [...]