Posts tagged with motivational drivers:

Motivating People Professionally
October 11, 2012, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

Recently, in a coaching session, a junior manager asked me, how he could motivate people? Everything he read about models and methods was so overcharged with details that in the end he was more confused than clear, what to do.
I told him, that – in my experience – motivation of other people (and for myself) [...]

Gaining Power, Wealth, and Prestige
December 20, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Editorial, Human Resources, Leadership, Management, Marketing

Last week when I attended an HR conference in Frankfurt we had dinner in one of the in-places of town. Coincidentally one of Frankfurt´s private banking houses was celebrating Christmas there as well. Listening to speeches and talks, one assumes that power, wealth, and prestige are the most influential motivation drivers managers follow during their [...]