Posts tagged with commitment:

Leadership and Islam – Lessons I Learned in Morocco
June 7, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

In April and May I attended a seminar of process oriented psychology on personal vision quest in Marrakech when a bomb exploded in a restaurant on the main square Djemaa El Fna killing 20 people. I was only 200 meters away and heard the blast without truly admitting to myself what happened until I saw [...]

Caring Self Leadership – How to choose the New Year Resolution that suits you best – and stick to it.
January 3, 2011, by Gerrit Pelzer in Leadership, Management

The beginning of a new year is the time for making New Year resolutions. We want to make a change to the better, be it career, relationships, health, or other areas of our lives. But for many of us these resolutions are abandoned by mid of February. Here are some Life Coaching tips on how to chose the right New Year resolution for you, and how to follow-through to ensure lasting change.

Learning New Aspects Of Caring Leadership
December 1, 2010, by David Pilarek in Leadership, Management

Over a year ago, when I wrote my first guest blog, I defined caring leadership as „always keeping your commitments“. I tried to illustrate how one can practice this everyday both at work and in one’s private life. That still holds true, I believe. Nevertheless, I would like to suggest three additional aspects of or criteria [...]

Sustainability Is Top Of Mind Of Business Leaders
September 25, 2010, by Heinz Landau in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

A huge majority of CEOs worldwide (93%) say that sustainability will be critical to their company’s future success. Despite the recent economic downturn, leaders are more comitted to sustainability than ever before. These are the headline findings of a study among nearly 1,000 CEOs, business leaders, members of civil society and academic experts making it [...]

Raks Thai Foundation and Merck Thailand: Evolving CSR – Partnerships
January 22, 2010, by Promboon Panitchpakdi in Corporate Social Responsibility, Features, Leadership, Management

Many of you may not have heard about “Raks Thai Foundation” and are much more familiar with CARE International in Thailand. The two names actually refer to the same organization. CARE International Thailand (or CARE Thailand) began operating in Thailand since 1979, initially responding to the influx of Cambodian refugees along the Thai-Cambodian border and [...]

Effective Leadership Communication
October 28, 2009, by Heinz Landau in Leadership, Management

Mastering your skills in connecting with people by making them feel that they matter to you is a key element of caring leadership and is crucial to the success of any leader and any organization. Effective leadership communication typically increases trust and respect, can build morale and manage conflict, influences employees, can win hearts and [...]

Kissing Your Kids Good Night
August 20, 2009, by David Pilarek in Leadership

Leadership is an everyday task – not only in your business context, but also in your private life. It is about keeping your commitments you made to your customers, your colleagues, your managers, your friends or to your kids.