Posts tagged with Authenticity:

Employer Branding Authenticity
April 25, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Marketing

Preparing the next top employer certification of our company I was asked in my role as chief of human resources by the interviewer what made us special as employer? That we are ourselves, I replied.
First of all, after four years of development our leadership team has been trained to target employees as whole human beings [...]

The Importance of Self-Reflection
September 15, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

My key finding: we as society execute excellent research based leadership studies, know about excellent theoretical leadership models and communication methods and consider best practice examples of leadership we observe or hear about. Out of history and current research, basically, our societies know everything valuable about this very topic. Our whole knowledge of how to [...]

Make It Work: Employer Branding III – Be Perceived as Top Employer!
February 22, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management, Marketing

Let´s presume you have executed surveys. You now know what you are currently offering and what you should offer as top employer in the perception of your existing workforce. Let´s presume you have an action plan in your hand whose execution will close up the gap that still might keep you away from internally being [...]

Authentic Leadership, A Matter Of Trust
September 2, 2009, by Martin Aldergard in Leadership

According to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2009, the trust among general public (including employees) of corporate CEO’s and leaders is at it’s lowest point since the barometer started 10 years ago. Not surprisingly.
I started to think and read of what it is that drives trust as a leader and what it means being an [...]