Posts tagged with win-win-solution:

BCG´s Adaptive Leadership
July 5, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

„How can leaders chart a course through a turbulent environment when they cannot predict the outcomes of their choices?“- Answer to this question find three protagonists of the Boston Consulting Group´s office in New York – Roselinde Torres, Martin Reeves and Claire Love – condensing it to the notion of Adaptive Leadership.
The model of Adaptive [...]

Leadership and Islam – Lessons I Learned in Morocco
June 7, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

In April and May I attended a seminar of process oriented psychology on personal vision quest in Marrakech when a bomb exploded in a restaurant on the main square Djemaa El Fna killing 20 people. I was only 200 meters away and heard the blast without truly admitting to myself what happened until I saw [...]