Posts tagged with transparency:

Characteristics of Caring Leadership
May 24, 2011, by Michael Dorn in Human Resources, Leadership

In my opinion CL does not correspond to the known categorizations of management styles as for example ´authoritarian´ or ´cooperative´. No matter which of those categories a leader belongs to, he (using the masculin form for this text because of readability) might be a caring or not-so-caring leader. As an example the authoritarian manager can [...]

Gandhi – A Role Model for Essential Leadership Principles
October 24, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

These days I conducted job interviews for a middle ranked management position and one of the candidates was a young German of Indian origin – smart, structured, straight forward, with excellent social skills and high ambitions – basically someone you would hire on the spot for a middle management position. Although I knew that my [...]