Posts tagged with talent management:

Career versus Family? – New Mindsets Require New Approaches for Employer Branding and Talent Management
April 26, 2012, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

What young talents perceive are heart attacks of their superiors when they are in their mid-fortees, not rarely with lethal ending, divorces, residential school for kids, working days with ten hours and more as daily experience, black berry availability 24 hours seven days a week, including holidays.
What for? – Money, power, prestige.
Money, power, and prestige [...]

Mission and Future of Human Resource Management
March 29, 2012, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

What do you tell graduates full of idealism what they might expect becoming a human resource manager? And what do you tell senior HR staff full of experience and not rarely full of frustration how the future of HR looks like and what their contribution needs to be?
Both, the young and the elder, have to [...]