Posts tagged with strengths:

Growing Yourself Is Like Riding a Motorbike
April 26, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership

I know many managers who are doing motorsports. In my company, for example, a CEO, two department mangers and myself will go on tour into the Italian Dolomites in the beginning of July, rejoicing speed, focus, challenge, company, nature, and intensity which sum up, I´d say, to fun and joy.
In order to prepare myself for [...]

Developing An Appreciative Eye
December 5, 2009, by Heinz Landau in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

I just came back from Kathmandu, Nepal where the World Appreciative Inquiry Conference was held. Over 400 people from more than 40 countries from NGOs (=Non-Governmental Organizations), institutions, Government, communities and business had attended the conference.
What is AI (=Appreciative Inquiry)? AI is a philosophy and a process that can be applied to any organizational change process or [...]