Posts tagged with Resources:

Is It Time To Apply The Brakes?
December 10, 2010, by Heinz Landau in Leadership, Management

We often talk about employees burning out, but companies can burnout as well. Organizations in growth mode sometimes try to do too much, too fast. Never–ending , hard–charging activity and change inside an organization – that’s what authors Heike Bruch, professor of leadership at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, and Jochen Menges, lecturer [...]

“Reaching the Top…
September 23, 2009, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Features, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

… is not the objective” – that was what Hanspeter Eisendle, our mountain guide, said, just when we reached Cassian´s Peak at 2581 meters height in the Sarentin Alps in South Tyrol last week.
After some hours marching through walls of fog and the sentiment of deception that the Dolomites and their spectacular summits on the [...]