Posts tagged with Process Work:

When a Manager Becomes an Addict
February 13, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

How do I care for myself in the role of a manager when the structural framework is extremely demanding for me? Most managers will skip this question and switch over to how do I respond to expectations and how do I function even more and better?
Maximizing performance and numbing failure, this is what often leads [...]

Awareness – A Flashlight on Process Work and Leadership
May 17, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership

About two years ago, a friend of mine, who is leadership coach and as well process worker, got me acquainted with the notion of process and world work as Arnold Mindell and his associates have developed it during the last 30 years. I was so fascinated by this approach to organizational change and conflict management [...]