Posts tagged with positive emotions:

Is Your Strategy Ready to Work Out?
December 20, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Leadership, Management

The end of the year is near and management teams and their business units meet in order to outline next year´s and years´ planning and strategy. It is the season of performance reviews and soon of bonus calculating. It is the time to check lessons learned and if ambitions have been achieved. Annual reports sum [...]

The Importance of Self-Reflection
September 15, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

My key finding: we as society execute excellent research based leadership studies, know about excellent theoretical leadership models and communication methods and consider best practice examples of leadership we observe or hear about. Out of history and current research, basically, our societies know everything valuable about this very topic. Our whole knowledge of how to [...]

Crushing Caring Leadership
April 12, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Leadership

Recently, I experienced in two different settings outside my company a crisis of caring leadership. In one case, I myself was in the lead, in the other I was observing the issue not being directly involved. In both cases, the representatives of caring leadership were failing to hold up to their standard and image, promoting [...]

Make It Work: Employer Branding IV – Retain Them!
March 8, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Marketing

What are you doing to retain those who are the best fitting people in your various business contexts? Those who are most promising with their potentials aligning to your strategy? After having identified them, how do you deal with various target groups, age groups, potential segments, and career paths? How do you do that in [...]

Developing An Appreciative Eye
December 5, 2009, by Heinz Landau in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

I just came back from Kathmandu, Nepal where the World Appreciative Inquiry Conference was held. Over 400 people from more than 40 countries from NGOs (=Non-Governmental Organizations), institutions, Government, communities and business had attended the conference.
What is AI (=Appreciative Inquiry)? AI is a philosophy and a process that can be applied to any organizational change process or [...]

Showing Gratitude
September 17, 2009, by Heinz Landau in Leadership

Last week, I participated in a “Corporate Strategy Retreat –Workshop” of the B. Grimm Group of Companies. About 25 senior managers from various companies of the business group were present. Harald Link, the CEO, opened the meeting with an introduction of each and every participant to the audience. He described briefly everyone’s major contribution to [...]