Experiencing Change Positively
November 21, 2010, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Management For my work and approach how to deal with change as a manager and head of human resources I found a philosophy of five genuine principles. These principles are my personal working charter. They reflect how to make change a positive experience for employees and all other stakeholders, apart from demands for a tool kit [...]
Loyalty Matters
September 6, 2010, by
Heinz Landau in
Human Resources,
Management Loyalty is a great strategy for employees, customers, managers and business owners. It maximizes economic and emotional value. We all know that the long-term success of any company depends upon the quality and loyalty of its people. Succesful organizations are built on relationships. It takes time to develop social bonds with our employees, our customers, [...]
Who Cares Wins
September 28, 2009, by
Heinz Landau in
Corporate Social Responsibility,
Management December 28,2004. Two days after the Tsunami had hit the southern part of Thailand and had left a picture of devastation, I am in my office in Bangkok. I phone Mr. Promboon Panitchpakdi, the Executive Director of the Raks Thai Foundation (RTF), the local arm of CARE International, one of the world’s largest development and [...]