Posts tagged with organization:

Is Your Strategy Ready to Work Out?
December 20, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Leadership, Management

The end of the year is near and management teams and their business units meet in order to outline next year´s and years´ planning and strategy. It is the season of performance reviews and soon of bonus calculating. It is the time to check lessons learned and if ambitions have been achieved. Annual reports sum [...]

Excellence in Employer Branding: Awarded Top Employer – Again
September 15, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management, Marketing

After more than four years of consequent work, it is our strategic HR vision on the long run, which made us, the XTRONIC GmbH, successful again in attracting and binding engineers in the tight German labour market of engineers and technicians: “To be among Germany´s TOP 100 employers in our segment in 2015 by excelling [...]

Is It Time To Apply The Brakes?
December 10, 2010, by Heinz Landau in Leadership, Management

We often talk about employees burning out, but companies can burnout as well. Organizations in growth mode sometimes try to do too much, too fast. Never–ending , hard–charging activity and change inside an organization – that’s what authors Heike Bruch, professor of leadership at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, and Jochen Menges, lecturer [...]

Awareness – A Flashlight on Process Work and Leadership
May 17, 2010, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership

About two years ago, a friend of mine, who is leadership coach and as well process worker, got me acquainted with the notion of process and world work as Arnold Mindell and his associates have developed it during the last 30 years. I was so fascinated by this approach to organizational change and conflict management [...]

Developing An Appreciative Eye
December 5, 2009, by Heinz Landau in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

I just came back from Kathmandu, Nepal where the World Appreciative Inquiry Conference was held. Over 400 people from more than 40 countries from NGOs (=Non-Governmental Organizations), institutions, Government, communities and business had attended the conference.
What is AI (=Appreciative Inquiry)? AI is a philosophy and a process that can be applied to any organizational change process or [...]

Managers Solve Problems, Leaders Create Momentum
August 8, 2009, by Heinz Landau in Leadership, Management

Last year, I attended a one day seminar of John C. Maxwell, the famous American leadership guru, who has sold more than 16 million books worldwide. I can say that he is one of the most gifted speakers I ever met. If you ever have the chance to meet him, go for it. He started [...]