Posts tagged with loyalty:

Loyalty Matters
September 6, 2010, by Heinz Landau in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

Loyalty is a great strategy for employees, customers, managers and business owners. It maximizes economic and emotional value. We all know that the long-term success of any company depends upon the quality and loyalty of its people. Succesful organizations are built on relationships. It takes time to develop social bonds with our employees, our customers, [...]

How to Care after Downsizing II
December 11, 2009, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

Two weeks ago, I said in part one of this blog, before establishing a new balance within a downsized organization or healing it a change of attitude of both, managers and employees, is necessary. This attitude should welcome a structural framework shaped by ambiguity and temporariness.
How to achieve a change in attitude?
We have to convey [...]