Posts tagged with leading:

Leading With The Heart
November 16, 2009, by Heinz Landau in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

A few years ago, while waiting for a business visitor at The Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel in Bangkok, I saw a big Christmas tree in the hotel lobby. I noticed that a lot of tags were hanging in the tree. I went closer to see what was written on them. Every tag had a serial [...]

A View from Saint Tropez
November 12, 2009, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership

Last month the annual sailing (not sales!) meeting took place in the bay of Staint Tropez on the French coast. In company of good friends I spent some time there just enjoying the beauty of impressions our five senses got there. Residing on a hill I took a relaxed glance of harbor and bay, bluish [...]