Posts tagged with group dynamics:

Leadership as Self-Discovery
October 11, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership

Identity, life and learning are closely linked when it comes to the discovery of ourselves, especially when we embody a leading position. Crucial is the fact, that the leader is capable to make himself object of his perception. This is the necessary prerequisite to unfold the capability to reflect oneself as a leader – and: [...]

Team Effectiveness – 5 Basics to Achieve It
August 16, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

Most teams, from what I observe, do not work up to their full potential and possibility, although knowledge of how to build and lead teams is wide spread and well-known. Still, in many cases the knowledge is not applied during daily routine.
For the operative level of a single team I can tell from my experience [...]