Posts tagged with employee satisfaction:

Dead Fish Always Swim with The Stream
June 21, 2012, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership, Management, Marketing

It is by branding that customers are invited to dream away, as long as they are willing to pay. And no product evokes more dreams than a car like Porsche, BMW, Audi or Mercedes Benz granting the endowment of power, prestige, and status. Or: ecology, family and individuality. Just choose the product, the brand delivers [...]

Loyalty Matters
September 6, 2010, by Heinz Landau in Human Resources, Leadership, Management

Loyalty is a great strategy for employees, customers, managers and business owners. It maximizes economic and emotional value. We all know that the long-term success of any company depends upon the quality and loyalty of its people. Succesful organizations are built on relationships. It takes time to develop social bonds with our employees, our customers, [...]