Learning New Aspects Of Caring Leadership
December 1, 2010, by
David Pilarek in
Management Over a year ago, when I wrote my first guest blog, I defined caring leadership as „always keeping your commitments“. I tried to illustrate how one can practice this everyday both at work and in one’s private life. That still holds true, I believe. Nevertheless, I would like to suggest three additional aspects of or criteria [...]
The Dark Side of Care II
June 7, 2010, by
Stephan Polomski in
Human Resources,
Leadership For me, care is a difficult notion. Karl Popper said: “The attempt to make heaven on earth invariably produces hell.”
Where does care begin, and where should it stop? When do we talk about care, and when are we dealing with business? Is it possible to care, when we are aiming at profit maximization? And are [...]