Posts tagged with dependency:

The Message of Jesus from Nazareth – The Care Guys´ Season´s Greetings
December 23, 2009, by Stephan Polomski in Editorial

Our world is changing:
Hierarchical structures become dysfunctional in many contexts: the evolution of the internet is the best example that these old sociological laws are very slowly breaking up. Open forums like The Care Guys had been unthinkable 20 years ago unless using a newspaper column and convincing an editor who admits it.
Individuals take more [...]

The Dark Side of Care I
August 25, 2009, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Leadership

Who does not know this inner impulse seeing somebody obviously in need and then addressing him: “May I help you?” Or more sublime: “Do you have enough support”. Or less sublime: “Why don’t you do it this way.” Or even: “I show you the right way.” And finally: “I will help you.”
So, what exactly is [...]