Posts tagged with communication:

BCG´s Adaptive Leadership
July 5, 2011, by Stephan Polomski in Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

„How can leaders chart a course through a turbulent environment when they cannot predict the outcomes of their choices?“- Answer to this question find three protagonists of the Boston Consulting Group´s office in New York – Roselinde Torres, Martin Reeves and Claire Love – condensing it to the notion of Adaptive Leadership.
The model of Adaptive [...]

A View from Saint Tropez
November 12, 2009, by Stephan Polomski in Human Resources, Leadership

Last month the annual sailing (not sales!) meeting took place in the bay of Staint Tropez on the French coast. In company of good friends I spent some time there just enjoying the beauty of impressions our five senses got there. Residing on a hill I took a relaxed glance of harbor and bay, bluish [...]

Effective Leadership Communication
October 28, 2009, by Heinz Landau in Leadership, Management

Mastering your skills in connecting with people by making them feel that they matter to you is a key element of caring leadership and is crucial to the success of any leader and any organization. Effective leadership communication typically increases trust and respect, can build morale and manage conflict, influences employees, can win hearts and [...]