It is December 08th, 2026.
The leaders of our world achieved a breakthrough in mastering the climate change.
The solid cooperation between the new economic powers in the east, South America, the United States and the “old world” has been celebrated for the 10th year.
Nations and different cultures learned how to cooperate for the survival of our [...]

I Have a Dream – A Sustainable Leadership Model in the Political Arena
December 8, 2011, by Michael Nothdurft
Leading In A Crisis
November 21, 2011, by Heinz Landau
After having overcome successfully the impact of the global financial crisis, leaders in Thailand are now facing a different kind of crisis. Natural disaster has put one third of the country under water. Many people, not only upcountry, but also in Bangkok, currently cannot live in their homes anymore. Hundreds of factories have been shut down since weeks and for several months to come. The economic as well as the human impact of the flood will be huge.
Read more...What Do Successful Leaders Need to Engage People and Excel?
November 8, 2011, by Stephan Polomski
The answer is simple – they need:
Leadership skills and methods that support individuals, groups, and organizations to outperform
A clear picture of their own task, role and path that inspires others and creates endurance
A self reflected inner why based on personal vision and personal strengths
The way a leader thinks and behaves – expression of his identity [...]
Read more...What To Ask The Person In The Mirror
October 25, 2011, by Heinz Landau
I recently read an excellent book by Robert S. Kaplan titled “What to ask the person in the mirror – critical questions for becoming a more effective leader and reaching your potential”. The book became immediately my favourite book on leadership. I believe it will become a leadership classic.
The book is full of actionable advice [...]
Leadership as Self-Discovery
October 11, 2011, by Stephan Polomski
Identity, life and learning are closely linked when it comes to the discovery of ourselves, especially when we embody a leading position. Crucial is the fact, that the leader is capable to make himself object of his perception. This is the necessary prerequisite to unfold the capability to reflect oneself as a leader – and: [...]
Read more...Holding Effective Off-Site Team Meetings
September 27, 2011, by Heinz Landau
Today I want to share with you some tips about a leadership and management tool that I found of great value: off-site team meetings.
They can be very beneficial, provided they are conducted the right way. In this article, I am referring to team meetings when you take the sub-ordinates that work for you out of [...]
Excellence in Employer Branding: Awarded Top Employer – Again
September 15, 2011, by Stephan Polomski
After more than four years of consequent work, it is our strategic HR vision on the long run, which made us, the XTRONIC GmbH, successful again in attracting and binding engineers in the tight German labour market of engineers and technicians: “To be among Germany´s TOP 100 employers in our segment in 2015 by excelling [...]
Read more...What You Can Learn About Leadership From Lady Gaga
August 30, 2011, by Heinz Landau
Lady Gaga as a role model for corporate leaders? Doesn’t that sound strange? Typically, executives believe that there is nothing to learn from artists as they are too far away from the business world. However, three management academics, Jamie Anderson and Joerg Reckhenrich of Antwerp Management School (Belgium) and Martin Kupp of the European School [...]
Read more...Team Effectiveness – 5 Basics to Achieve It
August 16, 2011, by Stephan Polomski
Most teams, from what I observe, do not work up to their full potential and possibility, although knowledge of how to build and lead teams is wide spread and well-known. Still, in many cases the knowledge is not applied during daily routine.
For the operative level of a single team I can tell from my experience [...]
We Will Win – Creating High Performance Teams
August 2, 2011, by Michael Nothdurft
Leadership that gives teams the chance to define their own goals within defined givens, respects the people, gives them as much freedom as possible and supports participatory elements as Open-Space will create high performance teams.
Read more...10 Tips To Make Great Hiring Decisions
July 19, 2011, by Heinz Landau
Your career will succeed or fail largely on your decisions regarding other people. Great leaders assemble outstanding teams to help them in achieving their company’s vision and implementing their strategy.
Here are 10 tips for making great hiring decisions:
1. Make sure that a standardized recruitment process is in place.
Every manager thinks that he can do well [...]
BCG´s Adaptive Leadership
July 5, 2011, by Stephan Polomski
„How can leaders chart a course through a turbulent environment when they cannot predict the outcomes of their choices?“- Answer to this question find three protagonists of the Boston Consulting Group´s office in New York – Roselinde Torres, Martin Reeves and Claire Love – condensing it to the notion of Adaptive Leadership.
The model of Adaptive [...]